Today would've sucked big time if not for the last period!
We went around the school in half an hour trying to take photos for the given 3 themes, it was :D! We got to critic each other's works, but most of it was done by the sadistic ms k (she said it herself haha!)
The themes were: Bitterness & Sweetness; Tranquility & Chaos; Security & fear. I went around with Sarah during that half an hour, and when we got back Syairah and I started taking photos of our little miss sunshine and little miss shy (with all sorts of weird poses). Cheap thrills I say!
Well anyway, I got SO flustered this morning I kinda broke down (so sorry to those who saw it and those who heard me whining about all my undone work) Well, it was really terrible then, lucky we had the 2 hours to do art corrections during PW!
I didn't start on my visual journal yesterday, but I drew some stuff on a blank piece of paper during maths lecture (it was that boring) :D
Here they are.
Not very nicely taken but I seldom take photos with a given theme so I shall just upload some of them. Take a guess, they all come in pairs. (some of them don't link that well, but ah. and you can only choose from the 3 anyway)
The random ones:
I just realised this one looks more creepy than ever!
this one has my arm in it! Just pointed the camera at our linked arms, so I took the one above later on.
remember the photo of the guy digging algae above? He's THAT tiny from the 4th storey! I guess that explains why the above photo is so blurred. MEGA ZOOMED IN.
Just the watercooler. Actually I should be the one tiptoeing!
and now for the cheap thrills..... LOL
ring around the rosies, our poket full of posies....
achoo achoo they all fall down
well last one's self explanatory :D
I'll upload photos for Sunday's really random photos @ esplanade and the blindfold fish & co. birthday celebration after I complete my work! :D
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